Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Blog 8: Indepedent Component 1 proposal

Independent Component

1. Describe in detail on what you plan on doing for 30 hours.

My independent component is going to be based on finding how much people really know about water conservation. With water conservation being such a hot topic right now, people tend to believe that they know everything they could possibly know about it. In truth though, there are a lot of important details that people have never even heard of. For my component I would be making a survey to find out the most common details that people don't know about. I would also using this survey to hopefully prove why educating the public about water conservation is so important. I will ask about ten questions to at least 100 people. The people will mostly be people I don't know, for example I could walk around the mall for a day and take multiple surveys. I will also be doing a lot of research on the questions I can ask, and then some more on how I could help people if they don't know an answer to a question. When this is done, I will compile all of my information together to make a chart and complete analysis on the information I gathered.

2. Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence.

To meet my 30 hours I will be doing a lot of research on important factors of water conservation, and then creating questions that I will pile together into a survey. I will then survey about 100 people, and make a chart and in depth analysis of my findings. The evidence I will have of my thirty hours will be the research, the surveys, the chart, and the analysis.

3. Explain how what you will be doing will help you explore your topic in more depth.

Doing the research and the surveys will allow me to see and prove how important educating the public about water conservation is. The questions of the survey will also allow me to see what specific things that people know the least about in this topic. The research for my analysis and the creation of it should help me figure out how I could further teach people about the certain aspects of the topic that they knew the least about.

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